Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Thoughts For Today

We must never become too busy doing God’s work to pray.  Not praying leaves God out of what we are doing, even if we are doing it with His Kingdom in mind.  If we are too busy to pray, the enemy has in effect disarmed us.  Prayer is our greatest weapon and should be relied upon to defeat every strategy and attack.  The one area that we seem least prepared for is the attack on our prayer lives.   Luke 18:1 tells us, “Men ought always to pray, and not lose heart.”  As we diligently seek God’s will for our lives through prayer, we will see results.  Don’t limit God through prayerlessness.  Sit at His feet.  Learn from Him.  Seek Him through His Word.  Let God Himself teach you to pray and bring you into a greater knowledge and understanding of Him.  He’s ready to fellowship with you.  Don’t keep Him waiting.  One of the most difficult aspects of prayer is waiting for God to answer.  
The waiting is in itself a very important part of the learning process and for most of us - the hardest.  In our experience, God usually answers one of three ways: yes, no, or wait.  Our perseverance during these times of waiting is what truly shapes our character and brings us into a total dependence on the will of God.  Jacob’s experience in Genesis 32:24-32 is the perfect example of how we must persevere in our prayer lives.  Verse 26 states, “and He (God) said, ‘Let me go, for the day breaks.’ But he (Jacob) said, ‘I will not let You go, unless You bless me.’”  We have to wrestle with issues in prayer, trusting God to bless our faithfulness to seek His will for our lives.  Ephesians 6:12 states, “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”  Verses 13-17 clothe us in our prayer armor as verse 18 expounds upon the need to pray: “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and being watchful to the end with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.”  If we have to wrestle, it is much better to wrestle with the things that are preventing us from getting to God than wrestle with God Himself.  The only way to conquer these things is through prayer and laying hold of God’s strength.