Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Weekly Blog Update - September 17

 ZONED IN - This term, in popular vernacular, means to have intense concentration or focus regarding a certain matter. This is what the prophet Joel is saying to us in his prophecy. He said to “lament, wail, cry, bring little children, postpone even weddings for a season,” so that the nation could pray and seek God. This sounds radical, but challenging times and events need a church that will radically pray. James calls it an “effectual fervent prayer that avails much.” This is a season for our families to purposely enter the prayer zone. When we do that, the Bible says, we will see things that are awesome and great. Let’s “zone in,” and see the enemy “zone out.” We will walk in victory!
BLOW THE TRUMPET – This was a signal or alarm for people to take action because they were being threatened (See Joel 2:1). Everyone in the city had a place and a purpose to fulfill when the alarm sounded. You and I have a great purpose and an appointed place in the kingdom of God. We must all answer the call and move by the Spirit to our assignment.  Just like Gideon’s army, we all have an assigned place. All the Lord asks is that we are faithful in our task. As we pray and seek the Lord, He will reveal to us exactly where we should be and what we should do. Listen to God’s voice, obey His word, and reap the harvest of the Lord!
ARE YOU ALL IN? – Joel says, “Turn to the Lord with ALL your heart.” The only way we will ever truly know the Lord is when our entire being (The Bible calls it heart) is surrendered to Jesus. The Lord has marvelous, amazing, and gloriously things prepared to give to us.  He must be able to find a person and place to deposit His gifts. The Lord said, “you will find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” The secret is in giving yourself to Jesus, and when you do, He is able to give abundantly and above all we could ever dream. That is exactly what Israel did in the book of Joel, and when they did, the entire nation was saved!  Let’s declare, “As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord! “