Wednesday, October 23, 2013

REST and the Watches of the Lord

I feel that the message we shared this past Sunday is of upmost importance. I want you to catch this notion and get in line with it because I believe that this is how we will allow the Lord to reorder our day, and get our bodies in sync with Him. We believe this is the way we can enter His many blessings, including healing and prosperity, in the midst of this hurried society we live in. Darkness will continue to cover the earth, but as Gods people, we will gain knowledge in the night to rule in the day by radiating His presence.
Our new series “R.E.S.T.” is an acronym for:
Reordering our day
Exchanging the natural for the supernatural
Sabbath cycles
The simple life

The Lord said in His word, “Keep a sharp lookout! For you do not know when I will come, at evening, at midnight, early dawn, or late day break.” (Mark 13:35-37 TLB) Because I think this is so important, I want to share with you a small excerpt from last week’s sermon so that you can have it readily available when you wake in the night, and so you are ready for the task at hand.

1.    THE FIRST WATCH: The Evening Watch (6pm-9pm) or The Meditation Watch

Try to find 30 minutes you can meditate before going to bed. From your meditation, find time to release your anxieties to the Lord in prayer! This positions your spirit for the night ahead!

2. THE SECOND WATCH: The Midnight Watch (9 pm-midnight)

"At midnight I will rise to give thanks to you!" (Psalm 119:62) This is a time of thanksgiving and visitation! This is also the time when God deals with the enemies that are trying to keep us from entering His perfect plan for our lives.

3. THE THIRD WATCH: The Breaking of Day (cock crowing) Watch (midnight-3am)

Much spiritual activity happens during this time. Most spiritual dreams occur during these hours.
If you are struggling with doubt, unbelief or the direction of your life, do this watch for 21 days.

4. THE FOURTH WATCH: The Morning Watch (3am-6am)

This watch is linked with the morning light approaching and the day breaking. Most of Israel's watches in the bible were developed so that protection would be established for God's people. None was more important than the fourth watch. A lot of times the enemy would attack at first light when they could see. Thousands if not millions of spells are cast around the night hours. Many demonic ceremonies and expressions are released in the night, so rather than just tacking it up to another attack of the enemy, we should be wise to recognize the "attack of the enemy" and rely on the Holy Spirit. If we are awakened to watch a pray to counteract this activity with our prayers, we must answer!

I have great faith in this new revelation. We have already been hearing great testimonies! Make sure you tap into it as well. The Lord says, “you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13-14) What a great promise! I am claiming it for myself, for my family, and for you!