Saturday, January 4, 2014

Prophetic Insight

Prophetic Insight to 2014

I wanted to share with you a message I received this week from one of our elders in the church that I believe is the word of The Lord.

Pastor Kent, 
I want to share this prophetic message I heard from God on this morning. Within time.....I begin to experience an awakening (as I know it now) that penetrated my entire being into an urgency. Now I understand what the scripture declares when it speaks: It is in him, we live, move and have our being. That scripture is profound and has opened me up completely. Anyway, this is what I heard God say during the early morning. Matter of fact, he woke me up out of my sleep and spoke these words:

Prophetic Message Received from God:

God spoke these words to me on Wednesday morning, January 1, 2014. I recorded this revelation at 9:45 a.m. in my cell phone note pad.

A Spiritual Awakening will be released in this 2014 season unlike man has ever seen before. Then I asked God what is a spiritual awakening? He replied; man will come into the truth or realization of what is real. They will experience a spiritual truth that will penetrate their mind, heart, body and soul. It will cause a rippling effect which penetrates fire in their entire being and create an urgency to move.

As a result it will give:

a. clarity and understanding of who they are in Christ

b. clarity and understanding of the finished work of Jesus on the cross

c. clarity and understanding of their assignments on this earth for the work of the kingdom

This awakening will:

a. produce a massive number of souls to the kingdom of God

b. restore what has been lost (peace, hope, finances, plans/dreams)

c. stir up an expectancy in the spirit of man, woman, child that will move them from stagnation into instant manifestation. 

The scripture I received came from Isaiah 43:19 (MSG)

This is what God says, the God who builds a road right through the ocean, who carves a path through pounding waves, The God who summons horses and chariots and armies-they lie down and then can't get up; they're snuffed out like so many candles: Forget about what's happened; don't keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand new. It's bursting out! Don't you see it? 

Here is the revelation I drew from this entire prophetic message:

2014 will be a year of a multiplicity of events that will occur in the life of God's people. I believe we are going to experience unprecedented events that when testimony comes forth it will be only two words "BUT GOD". Hallelujah! Personally, I have already experience an awakening as early as late Sunday night. I can only describe it just as God spoke it to me. "A rippling effect that penetrates my entire being when caused me to come out of stagnation into instant manifestation. I am telling you it's already happening! Praise God for the Mighty WORD! …...and His Mighty WORK!

Join me during the month of January as we begin moving in this revelation!! 

Be blessed,