Friday, January 24, 2014


Hey, Word Alive! I am so excited about this Sunday. I think this is a great message that you do not want to miss. I will be there along with Luke preaching, and this is his topic. I wanted to share this small excerpt of what the message is to encourage you. 

Come expecting Giants to fall! 


While traveling to my family's house for the holidays, I was listening to the Bible on audio.  After a few hours in the car, it was a nice break from the same old CD's and radio stations that are normally the soundtrack of a road trip. I chose 1 Samuel and it captured my attention for the next couple hours.  The story starts with a wife named Hannah who is desperate for a child. The Lord gives her a son named Samuel who becomes a Prophet and finds a young boy named David, son of Jesse, and declares him the next King of Israel.  Shortly after that, David encounters a Giant.  Something standing in the way of who God said he would be.  This Giant represents many things in our lives that are standing in between us and our destiny.  Many of us have a word from God, or a hope of who we may become in God, but there is a giant in the way.  Giants come in many forms, shapes and situations. You may have a giant relationship problem, or giant financial problem, or a giant personal problem that keeps getting in the way, but there is a solution that David's story gives us: there are a few simple things that all giant killers have in common.  Lets look at what young King David did right in his life that led him to be a killer of giants and apply these simple principals to our lives as well and get busy living in the destiny and purpose that God has for us.  
