Friday, January 24, 2014


Hey, Word Alive! I am so excited about this Sunday. I think this is a great message that you do not want to miss. I will be there along with Luke preaching, and this is his topic. I wanted to share this small excerpt of what the message is to encourage you. 

Come expecting Giants to fall! 


While traveling to my family's house for the holidays, I was listening to the Bible on audio.  After a few hours in the car, it was a nice break from the same old CD's and radio stations that are normally the soundtrack of a road trip. I chose 1 Samuel and it captured my attention for the next couple hours.  The story starts with a wife named Hannah who is desperate for a child. The Lord gives her a son named Samuel who becomes a Prophet and finds a young boy named David, son of Jesse, and declares him the next King of Israel.  Shortly after that, David encounters a Giant.  Something standing in the way of who God said he would be.  This Giant represents many things in our lives that are standing in between us and our destiny.  Many of us have a word from God, or a hope of who we may become in God, but there is a giant in the way.  Giants come in many forms, shapes and situations. You may have a giant relationship problem, or giant financial problem, or a giant personal problem that keeps getting in the way, but there is a solution that David's story gives us: there are a few simple things that all giant killers have in common.  Lets look at what young King David did right in his life that led him to be a killer of giants and apply these simple principals to our lives as well and get busy living in the destiny and purpose that God has for us.  


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Word from the Lord:

While praying this morning I heard The Lord say, "Trust Me!" "I Am fashioning and forming you and the church into what you are supposed to be." Then I came across the article below. It's written from a woman using swimsuits for an illustration . Not my idea, yet I believe God is speaking. Check it out:

Fashioned & Formed by God

So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts of Christ’s body, let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pride-fully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren’t’.”  Romans 12:4-5, The Message

In the past I have dreaded shopping for a new bathing suit…can I please get some sisterly love on this one? I have literally walked into a dressing room with 20+ swimsuits in hand and left the room empty handed and feeling as if none of them looked nice, but this may have been because I was under a faulty delusion that somehow my size-12 body would magically turn into a size-8 body whenever I went shopping – of which I thought I could experience a Tadah moment.However this Tadah never happened and I was quickly snapped back into reality that simply putting on a new article of clothing does not cause immediate weight loss! LOL!

However, somewhere along the journey of life, I have come to the place of simply longing to be the best me. I don’t know if this revelation has come with age or by consciously choosing to love myself, but I no longer walk in trepidation at the thought of shopping nor do I compare myself to others because I just want to be the best me.

I no longer give my energy or thoughts over to what the world would say about me, (my accomplishments or lack of, my weight, my values, etc) because as our scripture states above, God excellently and marvelously formed me. This truth has become a line in the sand for me. I no longer expend precious time comparing myself to others – I just need to be the best me…whether size 12 or 8I am fashioned and formed by God,  I am created to be a blessing to the body of Christ.

So let’s all make the choice to go ahead and be who God made us to be and lets choose to let others be who God made them to be. Bottom line:  I am free to be me and you are free to be you!

You see, God fashioned and formed you and you are vital to the body of Christ. There is no other “you” on the face of the earth.  The gifts and talents God put into your life are greatly needed by those around you. It is my prayer that today you will make the choice to no longer compare yourself to others and that you will simply be the best you!


“Lord, I choose from this day forward to love myself.  You tell me in Your Word to love my neighbor as I love myself.  Help me to embrace the fact that you fashioned and formed me and that You have good plans for me.  I will no longer give my time and energy to what others may say or think of me but I will honor You with my thoughts.  Help me to be who You created me to be – the best me!  Amen.”

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Prophetic Insight

Prophetic Insight to 2014

I wanted to share with you a message I received this week from one of our elders in the church that I believe is the word of The Lord.

Pastor Kent, 
I want to share this prophetic message I heard from God on this morning. Within time.....I begin to experience an awakening (as I know it now) that penetrated my entire being into an urgency. Now I understand what the scripture declares when it speaks: It is in him, we live, move and have our being. That scripture is profound and has opened me up completely. Anyway, this is what I heard God say during the early morning. Matter of fact, he woke me up out of my sleep and spoke these words:

Prophetic Message Received from God:

God spoke these words to me on Wednesday morning, January 1, 2014. I recorded this revelation at 9:45 a.m. in my cell phone note pad.

A Spiritual Awakening will be released in this 2014 season unlike man has ever seen before. Then I asked God what is a spiritual awakening? He replied; man will come into the truth or realization of what is real. They will experience a spiritual truth that will penetrate their mind, heart, body and soul. It will cause a rippling effect which penetrates fire in their entire being and create an urgency to move.

As a result it will give:

a. clarity and understanding of who they are in Christ

b. clarity and understanding of the finished work of Jesus on the cross

c. clarity and understanding of their assignments on this earth for the work of the kingdom

This awakening will:

a. produce a massive number of souls to the kingdom of God

b. restore what has been lost (peace, hope, finances, plans/dreams)

c. stir up an expectancy in the spirit of man, woman, child that will move them from stagnation into instant manifestation. 

The scripture I received came from Isaiah 43:19 (MSG)

This is what God says, the God who builds a road right through the ocean, who carves a path through pounding waves, The God who summons horses and chariots and armies-they lie down and then can't get up; they're snuffed out like so many candles: Forget about what's happened; don't keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand new. It's bursting out! Don't you see it? 

Here is the revelation I drew from this entire prophetic message:

2014 will be a year of a multiplicity of events that will occur in the life of God's people. I believe we are going to experience unprecedented events that when testimony comes forth it will be only two words "BUT GOD". Hallelujah! Personally, I have already experience an awakening as early as late Sunday night. I can only describe it just as God spoke it to me. "A rippling effect that penetrates my entire being when caused me to come out of stagnation into instant manifestation. I am telling you it's already happening! Praise God for the Mighty WORD! …...and His Mighty WORK!

Join me during the month of January as we begin moving in this revelation!! 

Be blessed,