Thursday, October 31, 2013


Following is an excerpt from Chuck Pierce’s book “A Time to Advance.” This revelation will help you and your groups discussion during Rosh Chodesh as you prepare for the month ahead.


Month of Kislev—The Month of Benjamin (Nov/Dec)
Kislev at a Glance

Kislev (30 or 29 days-Nov/Dec)
Feasts: The beginning of Chanukah
Alphabet: Samekh—trust, support, coming full circle
Tribe: Benjamin, the most gifted with the art of the bow; the only child born in the Promised Land, so watch Israel this month.

A month to develop your warfare strategies: to have prophetic revelation for war.
A month to enter in to a new level of trust and rest
A month to declare your life experiences to be filled with tranquility and peace—ask for the rivers of life to flow
Constellation: Sagittarius (the archer)—a time to fight against empires and cultures.
Color/Stone: Multicolor (like the rainbow)/ Opal or Rainbow Jasper

Kislev is the ninth of the twelve months of the Jewish calendar.
Kislev is associated with the Hebrew letter SAMEKH, which pictures trust, support, and coming full circle. We should be coming full circle in developing our trust and confidence. By examining our hearts and motives during Kislev each year, we will break up and out of old patterns of mistrust that hinder our walk with the Lord and others in our circle of influence.
The name Kislev derives from the Hebrew word for “security” and “trust.” This is the month to enter in to a new level of trust and rest.
Kislev is associated with the tribe of Benjamin, the most gifted of the tribes with the art of the bow, as you develop you warfare strategies this month, you can tap in prophetically to gain revelation concerning the war season ahead. This connects with Head of the Year so that you can start the year right.
Benjamin was also the only child born in the land of promise, so this is a month to watch Israel. Things happen during this month, which chance the course of Israel.
Kislev is associated with the constellation Sagittarius (the archer). This month is a time to fight against empires and cultures. This is a month to shoot straight and move quickly. Think of the archer, Cut your losses and move on.
I believe that if we participate in the covenant holiday of Thanksgiving we have in the United States, we will come into a new place of rest. God gives us cultural holidays to help us enter our covenant holidays, With Thanksgiving, as we pull aside and give thanks, we can regroup.
Review your support system during Kislev, including who is supporting you and who you are supporting. Consider who your friends and associates are and why you are connected with them.
Last month was the month of the flood, so this is the month of the rainbow. Examine what you have warred through in the past year to come into a place of peace. God makes a covenant with us so that we will not have to war with those things again, which was the symbolism of the rainbow. God says, “You have come through the flood and it did not overtake you. Now I will make a covenant with you that you will not war with that again” (Gen. 9:13-17 paraphrased). There are certain things every year that you want to make a spiritual locator and say, “I am not going through that again.”
In this month of tranquility and peace; even in the midst of warfare, you will have peace. Many people do not understand this aspect of warfare. This simply means that in the midst of the warfare, you are on the offensive so that you have peace in the midst of the conflict. When we get tangled up and get out of our abiding place, we get into trouble.
This is the month of dreams and night visions. Through the year the Lord has been pouring things into you, then all of the sudden He draws them out through dreams. Sometimes that is the only way He can communicate with you. You have pressed through and pressed through and then you fall asleep. That is when He can begin to stir up revelation. This is also a month to review your sleeping patterns so that you will be healthier in the year ahead.
One of my big problems came because of trauma growing up. My sleep patterns were all messed up. Most traumatized people have irregularities in their sleep patterns. Memories of the trauma came up in the night and caused me to have to stay awake. I had to go through a process of letting God heal me so I could sleep. At the same time, He was purging me of trauma.
I took a prayer journey to Vietnam; when I got back, I had a dream about a certain situation. Some dreams are just a replay of something that has happened. The Lord will replay your memories so that he can heal you. He replayed a traumatic memory in me, which I had not forgotten but had just never dealt with. I woke up soaking wet and having to deal with the trauma. Pam got up and prayed for me. She said, “Will you ever get healed so I can get a good night’s sleep? Your trauma is affecting my sleeping patterns.”
We have to deal with what God brings up during the night. Ask Him if there is anything else and go ahead and deal with what He shows you while you are awake. That way He won’t have to wake you up again.
This month is a time to let the river of God flow from your innermost being. There is a great relationship between tranquility and fullness. If we don’t relate to our inner being correctly, we cannot enter into fullness. When your river starts flowing, you can enter into your next measure. That is the whole principle of Ezekiel 47. The water starts out ankle deep, then knee deep, then waist deep, then over our heads. That is the way you should be processing revelation throughout the year. The revelation in this book is deep water. You have to process each level of revelation by swimming and deal with old traumas and issues at each level, before moving to the next.
Kislev is the month that Hanukkah begins. Hanukkah is the only holiday in the Jewish calendar, which connects two months, beginning in the month of Kislev and concluding in the month of Tevet.

The message of Hanukkah is that in the midst of destruction there is mercy. The issue with Hanukkah was that the light will not go out. In the midst of any destruction, God will find a way to impart mercy to you. No matter what aspect of destruction you are dealing with—external, internal, physical or spiritual—God has a way to impart mercy to build the future. His grace is sufficient and His love is everlasting.