Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Feast of Tabernacles Part II: Celebrating Firstfruits, and God's provision.

In 1 Kings 17:8-16, we come upon Elijah who instructed the poor widow to give him them last of her food (vv.11, 13), he appeared to be selfishly and arrogantly saying, “Put me first.” However, he was really demonstrating a concept that is foundational in God’s economy—put God first. Note that the promise that Elijah gave to the widow with his request in verse 14 said that if she obeyed, she would not lack food during the drought.

Dear reader, God’s ways are not our ways; His economy is not the world’s economy. When we put God first and are obedient to His Word (Matt 6:33), not only will our finances will be in order, but also we will experience God’s provision when in need!

When we give, we must give something out of our need. That is the kind that involves faith. This woman had need for herself and her family, but she gave anyway, but then God multiplied her giving back to her. Moreover, this woman gave first, which activated the miracle supply of God flowing back into her life.
This is how prosperity works. It occurs when we enter into the fullness of God’s plan for our lives. Matthew 6:33 says, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” As we celebrate the Feat of Tabernacles, this is the principle that we are following. The beginning of the month is an expression of the first fruits principle. When Israel entered the Promised Land and received their first harvest there, they were to put the first portion of that harvest in a basket and take it to God’s sanctuary. God promised if they would honor him by giving Him some of the first of all the crops they produces, He would set them high above all the nations for praise, fame and honor; and they would be a people holy to the Lord. First fruits, which is different than tithe, is a major key to living in the favor and prosperity of God.
Why? Because giving first fruits honors God as your source; it makes holy the rest of your income; it releases the fullness of God’s blessing; and it opens us to receive God’s overflowing provision.

Many complain that they don’t see much fruit in their lives, but in reality, it’s all about understanding God’s cycles, and radically changing our won mentality. I truly believe that God is positioning Himself to do miraculous things in our time. It’s in the air. It’s in the time. Yet, it is also time that we go beyond our current levels of celebration and religious ritual. WE must follow the Lord in obedience and expectancy, for he is, above all else, good and ever ready to bless us. We must also go beyond our debt mentality, and KNOW beyond knowing that that the Lord is more than capable to free us to accomplish His purposes. We must position ourselves in a multiplication mentality, and see what HE sees and not what we see in the natural. For our ways are not His ways, and our thoughts are not His thoughts! Dear reader, it’s time we break free from the claws of the spirit of Poverty. It’s time we enter into his promised blessing.

I want to invite you today to join us in our Feast of Tabernacles and Firstfruits celebration this Sunday at 9 and 11am. We are preparing to honor and worship the Lord. He is worthy.

Keeping the Word Alive,
