Thursday, May 16, 2013

Celebrating God’s Provision at Pentecost

We are on the verge of a major move of the Holy Spirit! We live in days when Pentecost is important because Pentecost is the feast of the open Heavens. Just as Passover is God’s time to deliver His people (See Exod3:8), Pentecost is the Appointed time for the Heavens to Open! This Sunday, I will be sharing a powerful word on Pentecost, and Chuck Pierce will also be here that night to release the sound of provision. But, before that, I thought I would share with you a little bit of what Pentecost really means and what it can do for you, as we draw to the end of our fifty days of freedom. First of all, it is important to understand Pentecost, for which I will share with you what Chuck Pierce shares with all of us in his book, “A Time to Prosper.”
When most Christians think about Pentecost, they think only about the outpouring of the holy Spirit described in Acts 2, but Pentecost is also a feast instituted in the Old Testament as described in Leviticus 23:15-16, Numbers 28:26-31, and Deuteronomy16:9-12. Chuck illustrates that there are three significant dimensions of Pentecost, and each represents a new expression of God’s blessing. The three dimensions are a direct reflection of the three things that God wants to accomplish in our lives. Each one involves a doorway we must pass through in order to enter into the full release of God’s blessing.
Provision is the first dimension because it celebrates God’s blessing of abundant provision. In Old Testament times, from the first sheaf of every new harvest, each year the Jews would bring a thanksgiving offering to the Temple.  This was a praise offering that was offered by faith before the full harvest was gathered. The Israelites would express their praise by bringing burnt offerings, drink offerings, sin offerings, fellowship offerings, grain offerings, drink offerings, etc. It was a massive out poring of giving, and this is what the disciples would have done the evening before “Pentecost morning.” The night before the Spirit fell, they would have brought offerings to the temple to thank God for His physical Provision.
Revelation is the second dimension because Pentecost was the day that God opened the heavens to reveal His word. After being rescued from Egypt, God did not guide his people directly to the Promised Land. He had things to show them! Fifty days after Passover, God directed Moses to come to the top of Mount Sinai, and it was there that the Heavens opened, and God gave Him the Torah. Some people call the Torah the “Law” but the word Torah really means “the teaching of God.” It is the revelation of God’s will, God’s love, and God’s character to His people, and even though the word “Torah” is most specifically used for the first five books of the bible, in reality, all Scripture is “Torah.” At the time Jesus lived, part of the celebration of Pentecost included staying up all night studying receiving God’s revelation through scriptures because it was a way of receiving God’s Word again. As they filled their minds with God’s word, I believe God prepared them for the third dimension of Pentecost. We know that Jesus had recently promised the release of God’s power, so it is fitting to think that at the disciples would have stayed up all night Scriptures that described the outpouring of God’s power.  
Power is the third dimension of Pentecost. The bible says that it was in Pentecost that the Holy Ghost came and gave the disciples power. The power that Jesus promised fell upon them, and in turn, it then empowered men and women to proclaim the gospel. Just as power had come down on Mt. Sinai in Moses’ time, the fire of God’s glory now came to clothe those who had gathered in the Upper Room. With this power, the gifts of the Spirit were energized, and the anointing of God equipped them to see the sick healed, the oppressed delivered, the gospel boldly proclaimed, and the world changed! Come on Jesus!
We know that this is what the church longs for! The church all over is crying for a new Pentecost; however, because we don’t understand Pentecost, we don’t know how to prepare for it. The apostles understood Pentecost, and they positioned themselves to receive it. So, it is when we fully understand what Pentecost is about, that it moves us into a better understanding of the time of Pentecost in which God wants to lead us through: the release of provision, power and revelation in our lives.
Yet, perhaps the best way to celebrate Pentecost is to follow the example of the apostles who set apart an extended time to be with God. It is important to acknowledge and celebrate the fact that God’s provision is plentiful. He is constantly bringing bread from the earth. Gaining a mind to prosper involves developing a thankful heart by giving to the poor and bringing first fruits offerings. We must also be thankful to God for His desire to reveal Himself to us because He wants us to know His mind and heart. If you meditate in His word day and night, you will prosper (as psalm 1 promises), so be prepared to receive His revelation afresh. Last, you should be prepared to step in with God and obey His directives. We need to begin walking by faith, and meditate on His promises.
             So, this Sunday, be prepared to celebrate Pentecost by bringing first fruits offerings to position ourselves in a place of abundance and provision, and come anticipating to receive revelation from the Word. We expect to be filled with strength and joy as we release the sound of abundance through radical praise and worship. 

Sunday services are at 9:00am and 11:00am
Chuck Pierce will be here releasing the sounds of abundance at 6:00pm
