Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Kent's Blog September 23-28

Month of Tishrei – This is the month of the fall feasts in which we draw close to God and experience His glory. The term glory in the Old Testament literally meant heavy or weighty. This term deals with the significance or the glorious aspect of God. God always glories in saving, healing, delivering, and setting us free to enjoy life in Him! This is only the beginning because God has determined to move us from glory to glory by His presence and power (2 Corinthians 3:18). The final state of the believer is to be glorified together with Jesus! (Romans 8:30)This is not a time to be discouraged, pray and seek the Lord and you will see Him show up in your life in power and great glory!
Teshuvah – This is a Hebraic term that is translated to repentance, but literally means “to return.” Sometimes in our spiritual journey, we develop drift or simply lose passion because of life and its problems. Teshuvah is about returning to that place in the Lord where we passionately love and embrace all He is to us!  In fact, the New Testament teaches that the goodness of God leads us to repentance, or Teshuvah. The key word is “lead.” That is how the Lord interacts with us. He doesn’t drive us; He leads us! Don’t live under regret and condemnation; allow the Lord’s goodness to cause you to return to Him with all your heart. You will find that when you arrive, great peace, great love, and unspeakable joy will all be there waiting for you.
Rosh Hashanah – This term literally means “the Head of The Year.” God’s word shows us that there is a Biblical Calendar in which God Himself has determined the months, seasons, and times. Rosh Hashanah is the beginning of the New Year for all of God’s children.  This started with Israel, but these times were called the Feasts (or Appointments) of the Lord. I’m glad to wake up to new mornings, new seasons, and new years where I can begin afresh and new.  That is the concept of Rosh Hashanah, I have the choice to decide and allow God to bless the coming year of my life. God’s will is to bless and prosper us all, so let’s make good decisions, not excuses, and align ourselves with what God says and see how He will bless! Get ready! Today is a new day, a new season, and a new year in which God will do news things to cause us to prosper and increase in Him!
~From Dan Mattox's Prayer Points

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Weekly Blog Update - September 17

 ZONED IN - This term, in popular vernacular, means to have intense concentration or focus regarding a certain matter. This is what the prophet Joel is saying to us in his prophecy. He said to “lament, wail, cry, bring little children, postpone even weddings for a season,” so that the nation could pray and seek God. This sounds radical, but challenging times and events need a church that will radically pray. James calls it an “effectual fervent prayer that avails much.” This is a season for our families to purposely enter the prayer zone. When we do that, the Bible says, we will see things that are awesome and great. Let’s “zone in,” and see the enemy “zone out.” We will walk in victory!
BLOW THE TRUMPET – This was a signal or alarm for people to take action because they were being threatened (See Joel 2:1). Everyone in the city had a place and a purpose to fulfill when the alarm sounded. You and I have a great purpose and an appointed place in the kingdom of God. We must all answer the call and move by the Spirit to our assignment.  Just like Gideon’s army, we all have an assigned place. All the Lord asks is that we are faithful in our task. As we pray and seek the Lord, He will reveal to us exactly where we should be and what we should do. Listen to God’s voice, obey His word, and reap the harvest of the Lord!
ARE YOU ALL IN? – Joel says, “Turn to the Lord with ALL your heart.” The only way we will ever truly know the Lord is when our entire being (The Bible calls it heart) is surrendered to Jesus. The Lord has marvelous, amazing, and gloriously things prepared to give to us.  He must be able to find a person and place to deposit His gifts. The Lord said, “you will find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” The secret is in giving yourself to Jesus, and when you do, He is able to give abundantly and above all we could ever dream. That is exactly what Israel did in the book of Joel, and when they did, the entire nation was saved!  Let’s declare, “As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord! “

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Peru Video Blog


I encourage you to look over these prayer points, and stand with us in agreement in preparation for this Sunday. It is going to be a great and I can't wait to see you all at Word Alive at 9 or 11! 

THE HARVEST – Jesus tells us two amazing facts regarding ‘the harvest.’  The first one is that it is plenteous, which means it is massive, and abundant (See Matthew 9:38). The second fact is that Jesus is Lord of the Harvest, which means that He controls and is in charge of it (See Luke 10:2). Knowing the harvest is extremely big and that Jesus is totally in charge, what is left for us to do?  Jesus tells us, to pray for laborers of the harvest! That means you don’t have to produce, manufacture, or generate a harvest all you are required to do is help gather it in. God promises if we pray, He will send the laborers, people just like you and me. Oh! what joy we will have in harvest time! (Isaiah 9:3)

DIVINE CONNECTIONS – According to Ephesians 4:16, the body of Christ “is joined and compacted together.” These two words tell us that not only are we connected, but we are intertwined with each other.  I hope you know you have a divine connection. God himself has placed you in the body to not only be blessed, but to be a blessing! The term fellowship in the New Testament is all about grouping together with a purpose. The Lord wants you to be connected because His presence flows through all of us, in order that His body might grow up together! I promise you when you find your place in the group; life will be great! Why?  Because Jesus said when you group together He will be right there in the middle (See Matthew 18:20).

DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE AND GIFTING – The Bible teaches that when Jesus called you to salvation, He also gave you a gift (See Romans 11:19). The way we discover our purpose and gifting is through the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation, the Holy Spirit.  Jesus is the Head of the Body and this gifting flows from Him to you (See Colosians 1:18). The lord is teaching us and revealing His plan and purpose to us. Abiding in Jesus, that is being in a loving and trusting relationship with Him, is how it all happens. Ephesians 1:18 offers us a prayer “for the eyes of our understanding to be open” so we can discover our purpose in the Lord.  You have a purpose, and you will discover it as you continue to love Jesus and allow Him to love you.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Kent's Video Blog